Plymouth Supported Living Framework 2020
- Health and social work services
- Other community, social and personal services
- award
- contract
4 years ago
A multi-supplier Supported Living Framework Agreement with Plymouth City Council (PCC) and NHS Devon Clinical Commissioning Group (DCCG) was let in July 2017 as 4 increments of 3 yrs. The Framework provides a range of community services including support to maintain health and wellbeing, personal care, support with finances, social recreation, tenancy related support, underpinned with the principles of self-determination and choice. DCCG as Contracting Body accesses the Framework Agreement independently of PCC and enters into direct contractual relationships with the successful suppliers following a call-off. The form of agreement used for the call-off contract is the NHS Shorter Form Contract for services. As intended and stated in the procurement documents at the time, PCC on behalf of itself as principal and DCCG (as Contracting Body) has now conducted a procurement exercise and the successful new providers will join the Plymouth Supported Living Framework in February 2021. NB. The completion of this procurement exercise and the contract start day has been delayed due to staff resources being diverted due to unforeseen pressure resulting from the COVID19 pandemic.
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