The Isle of Anglesey County Council’s Transition Route Map to Carbon Neutrality





  • Infrastructure works consultancy services
  • Civil engineering consultancy services
  • Highways consultancy services
  • Environmental engineering consultancy services
  • Architectural, engineering and planning services
  • Environmental services
  • Environmental improvement works
  • Transport systems consultancy services
  • Procurement consultancy services


  • award
  • contract


3 years ago


Transitioning the Isle of Anglesey County Council to carbon neutrality, will require among other areas, decarbonising: travel, transport, leisure, procured goods and services, waste, environment, smallholding land and buildings, commercial buildings, libraries/galleries, education (including schools) and domestic housing stock, whilst also taking into account human behavioural change.
The IACC wishes to work collaboratively with an experienced company that can provide professional capacity, expertise knowledge and design to assist the IACC in transitioning to carbon neutrality. Potential activities and outputs include the creation of baseline, draft corporate policies and protocols, infrastructure investment plans, associated business case/ justification, benefits realisation plans, specifications, cost benefit analysis, delivery action plan,  and monitoring and reporting framework.



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  • Contract Agreement

    The official contract terms, conditions, and scopes of work.

  • Award Notice

    Details on the tender award and selected suppliers.


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