Cheshire End of Life Domiciliary Care
- Health services
- award
- contract
3 years ago
Further to the issue of a Prior Information Notice on 3rd June (Reference 012517-2021), this VEAT confirms the intention to appoint a lead provider to deliver a new model of care for domiciliary support at end of life. This service will be provided by Central Cheshire Integrated Care Partnership (CCICP) on behalf of Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (MCHFT). The Covid-19 outbreak has delayed the Commissioners detailed preparation and engagement for a full procurement for domiciliary support at end of life in Cheshire. This has given rise to an urgent need to secure provision of service during these uncertain times and to meet the increased pressures to swiftly discharge patients from Acute services into community settings and enable Cheshire residents to receive care in their preferred setting. Commissioners are keen to avoid any disruption to services as well as to respond to increasing system pressures which puts at risk existing provision, while a wider review of provision is undertaken. Accordingly, the contracting authority considers this is a state of urgency that is duly substantiated and been brought about by circumstances which a diligent contracting authority could not have foreseen and awards a contract of for the provision of services up until 30th September 2023. NHS Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group is acting in its capacity as Lead Commissioner.
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