20-SJM-72 Bioreactor





  • Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses)


  • award
  • contract


3 years ago


20-SJM-72 BioreactorArray of Bioreactor'sThe University of Portsmouth’s Centre for Enzyme Innovation is looking to purchase an array of 6 benchtop bioreactors with the option of a possible 2 extra reactors (Total 8). These will be utilised to demonstrate enzyme degradation of powdered waste plastic materials being treated with engineered enzymes in environmentally-controlled bioreactors. The supplier is expected to supply, deliver, install and commission the bioreactor array and provide onsite training for operation, maintenance and control of the bioreactor system. Suppliers must be able to supply, install and support the system not part of.Project must be completed by the 31/01/2022.To Express an Interest in this project please register on the University of Portsmouth In-Tend webpage and express an interest in this project. Please find the weblink for our webpage below:https://in-tendhost.co.uk/port/



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