Community Planned and Reactive Building Maintenance and Cleaning Services
- Repair and maintenance services of building installations
- Repair and maintenance services of firefighting equipment
- Repair and maintenance services for pumps, valves, taps and metal containers and machinery
- Repair and maintenance services of security equipment
- Cleaning services
- award
- contract
3 years ago
Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust had a requirement for the provision of planned and reactive building maintenance services and cleaning services to a number of its community facilities throughout South Devon. The requirement is separated into two Lots. Lot 1 Planned and Reactive Building Maintenance Services and Lot 2 Cleaning Services. Suitably experienced bidders could bid for either lot or both lots. Contract(s) is for 5 years with the option to extend up to a further two years. The contract shall allow for the addition of extra assets/locations as well as the subtraction of assets/locations throughout the term. The Trust will retain a right to break from the contract at the end of year 3 subject to notice being served. The Authority is ran the procurement on an electronic tendering platform and all interested parties accessed tender documents, further information and submitted tenders through this route.
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