Vale Academy Trust - Catering Services
- School catering services
- award
- contract
3 years ago
Vale Academy Trust is currently out to tender for the provision of a full daily catering service.The services at the Trust schools are currently all in-house. The Contractor will be responsible for the provision of a full school food catering service for the pupils and staff at the Trust schools. This will consist of morning breaks at some sites and full lunch service for each school day at all sites. There is one Secondary School and six Primary Schools out for tender of their catering services. Across the Trust schools in this tender there are currently 3,278 pupils on roll for the academic year 2020/2021. Of this figure, 712 pupils are entitled to UIFSM and a further 442 to Free School Meals/Sixth Form Bursary. TUPE is expected to apply, details of which can be found in the tender documentation.All members of the catering team are members of the Local Government Pension Scheme and all details are in the tender documentation.
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