University of St Andrews: LOCATE Power Train Test Bed - Test Equipment
- Transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation
- Measuring and control equipment
- award
- contract
3 years ago
The Low Carbon Transport Applications Centre (LOCATE) project will provide a first of type Power Train Test bed for zero emissions heavy and niche vehicles in a brownfield site at Michelin Scotland Innovation Parc (MSIP) in Dundee. dynamometer configuration to perform long-term endurance testing of HDV and power trains of differing dimensions and drive axles. - On-site access to Hydrogen fuel supply to allow for fuel cell testing. - DC power supply to allow for system level testing on the device-under-test. - Unified control set-up to replicate realistic long-term load cycles for the system, with load variations at individual wheel hubs possible. - Fuel Cell air intake temperature and humidity control for operation de-risk. - Configurable Air-conditioning for drive and system assembly, allowing for thermal testing of subsystems and cooling systems. - High fidelity data-logging for off-site analysis of key parameters (also from device under test). Please see ITT documents for full requirements.
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