NHS Lothian Blackridge Medical Practice
- Medical practice services
- award
- contract
3 years ago
Lothian Health Board (more commonly known as NHS Lothian) (“NHS Lothian”) placed an advertisement on Public Contracts Scotland 28th October 2021 seeking expressions of interest from any parties interested in providing primary medical services to patients in Blackridge. This requirement has arisen due to the resignation of the current independent contractor providing primary medical services located in the Blackridge Health Centre, Fleming Place, Blackridge, EH48 3SS to a list of 3972 patients. NHS Lothian wishes to select a new service provider with the capacity and capability to meet the needs of these patients by delivering high quality, patient-centred clinical services in a primary care setting, all in accordance with NHS Lothian’s requirements set out in Appendix 1 (“Requirement”). The services will build on existing best practice, and focus on a community and health and social care approach. The clinical services will be delivered in an environment that provides patient care of a standard consistent with that of similar services provided elsewhere within NHS Lothian.
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