PR23 Policy,Economics and Project Management support






  • Project management consultancy services
  • Data analysis services


  • award
  • contract


2 years ago


We are looking for support on a range of work across PR23. This is intended to provide ORR with some additional expertise and resources, where we require, it in a flexible and agile manner. The support we are seeking could include, for example:
•preparing or helping to prepare internal papers on certain policy, economic and financial issues. This could also include input into papers for our Executive; •producing material for industry workshops; •supporting to produce external deliverables, such as drafting consultation documents; •participating in discussions with stakeholders;•summarising stakeholder views from consultation responses; •developing workstream-specific project plans and/or stakeholder engagement plans;•coordinating and/or directing internal (ORR) and external resources to produce specific outputs;•financial analysis to support our approach to monitoring Network Rail's efficiency and wider financial performance in CP7; •project management; and •produce other discrete pieces of work.



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  • Contract Agreement

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  • Award Notice

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