Supported Living Services Multi Lot (Mental Health, Learning Disabilities & Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities (PMLD) (ASC 2021 006)
- Social work and related services
- Health and social work services
- Social work services
- award
- contract
3 years ago
Lot 1. 2 x PMLD services John Wilson House, 167 Willesden Road and 142 Harrowdene Road. Each service has 5 units. Clients will have profound physical and learning disabilities and very complex needs. Both PMLD services will provide 24 hours waking support and care and will provide regulated activity so the successful provider must be CQC registered. NB The Council is looking for one provider to deliver PMLD both services Lot 2. Mental Health Service 18 St Gabriel’s Road, Brent The service has 8 units. Clients will have moderate to severe mental health support needs. The service will provide regulated activity, thus the successful provider must be CQC registered. Lot 4. 2 x Learning Disability Services 3 Salmon Street and 2-4 Cranhurst Road Both services have 6 units each. Clients will have moderate to severe learning disabilities. The service will provide 24 hours waking support and care. The service will also provide regulated activity thus the provider must be CQC registered.
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