ExCALIBUR Fusion Modelling System FM-WP2 Plasma multiphysics model: Advanced Referent Model Procurement





  • Software package and information systems
  • Software development services
  • Experimental development services
  • Design and execution of research and development


  • tender

Submission Deadline

2 years ago


2 years ago


Radical changes to supercomputer architectures are on the horizon. The current simulation codes, that much of UK science relies upon, are designed for current supercomputer architectures. These codes will, at best, not be able to fully exploit the power that the supercomputers of the mid-2020s will deliver; at worst, they will run slower on those machines than they do now. Future computers will be more energy efficient and so the longer we rely upon the current approach, the more expensive the solution will be. Therefore, it is essential that we invest now in redesigning those simulation codes so that they perform well on the future generations of supercomputers.



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