DfE - Invest NI - Provision of Syndicated Consumer Panel Data





  • IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
  • Database systems
  • Research services
  • Market research services


  • award
  • contract


2 years ago


Invest NI is seeking a Contractor to provide 10 annual subscription licences to an online Consumer Intelligence Resource for the Food and Drink Industry. The contract will be over 2 Lots



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  • Contract Agreement

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  • Award Notice

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RFQ_128875 - Study on Better Evidencing Impacts Attributable to NMS Laboratories' Work in Nanomedicines

The National Measurement System (NMS) provides the UK with an infrastructure of laboratories that deliver world-class measurement science and technology and provide traceable and accurate standards of measurement. The NMS focuses on major societal challenges, through the set-up of challenge areas which sit across measurement science functions. One of these challenge areas is 'Life Science and Health,' which aims to improve standards and methods across healthcare, contribute towards development and adoption of healthcare technologies through standardisation, and improve the delivery of healthcare services while helping to reduce costs. This RFQ invites applications for one of the four short-term health impacts studies that were identified by Ipsos in the scoping study. This study will aim to quantify the extent to which the work done by NMS laboratories (NPL and NML) in the field of nanotechnology enables growth among UK-based companies operating in this space, particularly nanomedicines To express interest in this tender please use the below URL. This will take you to a landing page where you can either Register (which you will need to do in order to access the tender documents if you are not already Registered). Once Registered please search for: ITT: itt_2497 - RFQ_128875 - Study on Better Evidencing Impacts Attributable to NMS Laboratories' Work in Nanomedicines URL: https://lupc.bravosolution.co.uk/web/login.shtml

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