National Framework for Demolition and Land Preparation
- Building demolition and wrecking work and earthmoving work
- Excavating and earthmoving work
- Asbestos-removal work
- Landscaping work
- Excavating work
- Environmental decontamination services
- Siteworks
- Trench-digging work
- Dismantling works
- Soil-stripping work
- Site preparation and clearance work
- Demolition, site preparation and clearance work
- Demolition work
- Earthmoving work
- Infill and land-reclamation work
- Cut and fill
- award
- contract
2 years ago
Added Value Portal t/a Pagabo, acting on behalf of Rugby Borough Council, have appointed a range of Contractors specialising in various aspects of demolition and land preparation works to a national framework solution, available to all public sector bodies, including charities, within the UK (the full list is available in the Tender synopsis on the In-Tend portal – The Contractors will provide a full range of services across a range of geographic regions, project types and value bands. The framework is divided into 5 Lots, up to 15 regions and 9 project types, which will operate with a maximum of 9 Contractors per project type per region per lot. The framework will cover, all types of demolition and land preparation schemes. The term of this framework agreement is for a period of 4 years from April 2022. The procurement involved a single stage process following a Public Contract Regulations 2015 Open Procedure.
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