Birmingham Commonwealth Games 2022 Traffic Management for Games Route Network and Local Area Traffic Management





  • Highways engineering services


  • award
  • contract


2 years ago


Supply, manufacture, construct, implement, deliver, operate and decommission the TM required for Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games at competition and non-competition venues, together with any other CWG sites or locations requiring TM measures.



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  • Contract Agreement

    The official contract terms, conditions, and scopes of work.

  • Award Notice

    Details on the tender award and selected suppliers.


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Infrastructure Maintenance and Improvements

Southend-on-Sea City Council ("the Authority") is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified and experienced organisations to maintain, manage and improve its highway network and associated assets. The key objectives are outlined as follows: Ensuring the network is safe for users, as far as is reasonably practicable. Maintaining the value of the infrastructure assets to ensure sound financial management. Maintaining the visual appearance of the network in Southend-on-Sea. Maintaining availability of the highway network so that highway users are free to travel with minimal disruption due to works being undertaken, or due to failure to properly manage the assets. Minimising disruption so that those living and working in Southend-on-Sea suffer minimal disruption from works being undertaken on the highway. Scope including but not limited to: Undertake the role of the Principal Contractor under the CDM Regulations. Collaborating with the Service Manager to determine the optimum levels of service to be carried out in any given year. Providing and managing people, plant and materials and other resources, including suppliers and specialists, to match the level of service required by the Service Manager. Integrating systems and processes with those of the Service Manager to improve efficiency and effectiveness of the core maintenance service. Providing timely and accurate data to inform and support and justify the contract performance measurements. Assisting the Service Manager in the management of, and communication with, those affected by the activities being undertaken in the core service. Helping the Service Manager to manage network occupancy effectively thorough compliance with the Traffic Management Act and New Roads and Street Works Act, including providing all necessary notifications within the appropriate timescales. Supporting the Service Manager in undertaking the various duties as part of the Coastal Protection & Lead Local Flood Authority roles. Cooperation with others carrying out work for the Service Manager to optimise the delivery of the overall services. Maintaining and providing contemporary records of work carried out in electronic format agreed by the Service Manager from time to time. In the course of the work, collecting and providing inventory and ‘as-built‘ records requested by the Service Manager. Maintaining a supply chain of specialist contractors for implementation of specialist products on an ad-hoc basis. Confirming the presence of utilities plant and apparatus on site. Managing work with economy and efficiency in mind. Interested applicants are directed to Sections 11.2.4 and V.1.3 below for further details in relation to the Contract.

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