VEAT NOTICE for C16022 National Workwear Framework





  • Clothing, footwear, luggage articles and accessories


  • award
  • contract


2 years ago


This is a VEAT notice, not an opportunity - it relates to OJEU Award notice reference 2019/S 217-532478 for the National Workwear Framework.
The impact of the pandemic has been unprecedented and widespread across all communities and businesses which has been further impacted by the challenging economic picture which has affected supply chains globally. In light of these unforeseeable supply challenges, which were not caused by the Framework Authority, the current supplier of Lot 1 is currently unable to guarantee stable and secure supplies.  As such, the Framework Authority has had to agree to suspend Lot 1 until the supplier is able to establish effective supply chain routes and has had to look for an alternative solution to ensure guaranteed supplies. Supply continuity issues have impacted spend under the Framework with only £1.1 million of business having passed through Lot 1 compared to an estimated spend of £15 million for that lot.
Given the nature of the supplies (i.e. workwear for front line workers) the need to put an alternative supplier in place is a matter of urgency and the Framework Authority is not able to wait until a competitive procurement has been carried out.
Fire and Rescue Authorities have been impacted particularly hard as a result of supply continuity issues.  Continuity and certainty of supply is crucial and in these circumstances (where the current supply route is no longer available) there is an urgent need to ensure that an alternative supply route is put in place as soon as possible.  The Framework Authority had already started to initiate a procurement process for the next iteration of workwear and PPE provision however, due to the complexities of this procurement (detailed below) this cannot be delivered quickly – there needs to be an interim measure in place to allow supplies to be provided whilst this procurement is carried out.  The Lot 2 supplier (who was the second placed tender at the time of the award of Lot 1) can adjust to provide cover for Lot 1 whilst the new workwear procurement is being run.  This approach ensures that the Framework Authority is acting responsibly and ethically to both suppliers by ensuring that, should the current supplier for Lot 1 be in a position to re-commit to the Framework in the future, there will be an opportunity to re-join with further time to allow for call-off contracts to be awarded under the Framework.
In light of the above, to ensure continuity and certainty of supply, Lot 2 is to be extended to include Lot 1 and the term of the agreement will be extended to 1 October 2024 (being the amount of time required to complete the new procurement),  Lot 1 with the original supplier, whilst being suspended, shall also be extended to 1 October 2024.  These extensions are being made under Regulation 32(2)(c) of the Procurement Regulations 2015).  Given the complexity of the procurement, the time period has been determined as being the earliest realistic time the new procurement could be completed.  The following factors were taken into account when making this decision.
•	The Framework Authority has obtained funding from the Home Office, for the research project –‘Future Fire Fighter’ to be completed by the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) looking into roles and activities across the next 10 – 20 years for wearers of workwear and PPE, focussing on inclusivity, safety and overall benefits to wearers.  This research will feed into the next procurement (which has been prioritised by the National Fire Chiefs Council PPE and Clothing Committee) which includes the requirement for a National Uniform for the UK Fire Sector.
•The extension will allow for the first stage of research to be completed and disseminated in approximately Quarter 4 of FY22/23.  Engagement with Industry will be a fundamental element of the research. Further research stages may be required after this time



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  • Award Notice

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