SDF Lot 2 South East_ Tilbury Douglas A
- Construction work
- Ground-drainage work
- Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and railways; flatwork
- Drainage construction works
- Drainage and surface works
- award
- contract
2 years ago
National Highways continues to roll out the Asset Delivery model to its operational areas. There is a requirement to deliver a range of renewal, improvement and selected small scheme construction works on the Strategic Road Network in areas utilising specialist contractors working collaboratively with National Highways to deliver these works. It is envisaged that this framework will straddle two Road Investment Strategy (RIS) periods (RIS 2 and RIS 3) enabling a smooth transition between them. Works for schemes have been divided into a number of workstreams that align with the contractors' specialisms, and will also include design. Bandings have been introduced into the framework model to differentiate some contracting terms between bands.
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