Homelessness Services
- Social work and related services
- tenderUpdate
2 years ago
Doncaster Council Invites tenders for the delivery of homelessness services in Doncaster. The Homeless Service forms part of Doncaster’s Resettlement Pathway for individuals experiencing homelessness including those with complex needs. The Service comprises of the following elements: • Wharf House Hostel • Open House Plus Hostel • Outreach service • Floating support service The Provider will work in partnership with the Complex Lives Alliance to ensure that the achievement of the following aims are inherent and demonstrable in the design and delivery of the Homeless Service: It is anticipated that the contract will commence on 17/11/2022 and run for a period of 12 months. There is also an option to extend the contract by up to a further 1 x 12 months at the sole discretion of the council.
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