CP2229-22a Wave 3 Train4Tomorrow Skills Bootcamps - Round 2 – Devon delivery only





  • Adult and other education services
  • Higher education services


  • award
  • contract


2 years ago


DCC previously ran a tender exercise in June 2022, for this work across Devon and Cornwall.  The Cornwall element of the bootcamps were fulfilled.  However, the bootcamps within Devon still had a pot of £328,000.00 to utilise from the DfE Grant fund.  This was due to a previously awarded provider going into administration, prior to contract commencement. This opportunity was set up to competitively tender for the remaining budget within Devon.
The overall aims of the Skills Bootcamps are:
•	to deliver ‘flexible training programmes lasting up to 16 weeks, based on employer / sector ‘in-demand’ skills needs which may be either regulated (i.e. qualification based) or non-regulated (e.g. based on alignment with industry standards) enabling adults to do training around work and other commitments, looking to gain work, additional responsibilities, or access new opportunities and will offer a guaranteed job interview (in the case of a new job) to individual participants on completion of the course.
•	to address the needs of adults (19+) who are full-time and part-time employed, unemployed, returning to work after a break or self-employed, and provide individuals with wider access to opportunities to retrain, update or formalise their skills or acquire specialist skills
•	to address the needs of employers and the wider economy, to deliver targeted interventions to meet short-medium term demand to fill vacancies and drive productivity. They will help fill medium-higher level vacancies and bring individuals closer to better jobs, by linking them with line of sight to a job/ different role, additional responsibilities or new opportunities/contracts
•	to help fill vacancies and bring individuals closer to better jobs (including those currently in employment), by linking them with line of sight to a job / different role, additional responsibilities or new opportunities / contracts



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  • Contract Agreement

    The official contract terms, conditions, and scopes of work.

  • Award Notice

    Details on the tender award and selected suppliers.


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Mr Lee Webber

[email protected]

+44 1392383000

+44 1392383000

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