Payment Solutions 2
- Financial and insurance services
- Magnetic cards
- Smart cards
- Charge cards
- Financial information systems
- Banking services
- Financial markets administration services
- Financial market operational services
- Financial market regulatory services
- Trust and custody services
- Trust services
- Financial consultancy, financial transaction processing and clearing-house services
- Financial transaction processing and clearing-house services
- Financial loss insurance services
- Financial analysis and accounting software development services
- Financial analysis software development services
- Financial systems software development services
- Sales and purchases recording services
- Compilation of financial statements services
- Financial auditing services
- Business development consultancy services
- Financial management consultancy services
- Administration, defence and social security services
- Benefit services
- Maternity benefits
- Family allowances
- Child allowances
- award
- contract
2 years ago
Crown Commercial Service (CCS) has put in place an agreement for the provision of Payment Solutions to be utilised by Central Government Departments and all other UK Public Sector bodies, including local authorities, health, police, fire and rescue, education and devolved administrations. The commercial agreement establishes a multi-supplier, multi-lot Framework Contract for the provision of Procurement Card, Prepaid Card and Voucher solutions across UK, Europe and Worldwide. The Framework has been spilt into 3 lots based on the solutions required. Lot 1 - will provide for the provision and maintenance of Procurement Cards which will enable the purchase of common goods and services. Lot 2 – will provide for the provision and maintenance of Prepaid Cards. Lot 3 – will provide for the provision of fully managed Closed Looped Voucher schemes.
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