COV - Revenues & Benefits Remote Processing
- Benefit services
- award
- contract
2 years ago
Coventry City Council has an internal service and resource to manage Revenue and Benefits related workload relating to the Council. This includes but is not limited to the processing of Council tax / welfare benefits as well as providing advice, reviewing appeals, administration on payees/claimant accounts etc. The workload for the service can rise and fall throughout the year as well as being impacted by Government policy etc. The workload needs to be maintained at all times. At times workload can exceed the capacity of our internal resource (due to rises/additions in workload / sickness / staff turnover etc) and so the Council requires a contract for an external, on-demand remote processing service for Revenues and Benefits. The awarded contract will appoint a sole supplier that the Council will instruct to complete Revenue and Benefits workload on behalf of the Council as and when needed. The contract will offer no commitment to any level of spend and the Council reserves the right not to use the contract if it is not required.
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