Delivery of independent enhanced voluntary reporting system, that includes fire safety and expert advice to the regulator in determining future voluntary reporting requirements





  • Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services


  • award
  • contract


2 years ago


Health and Safety Executive (HSE) seeks to award a contract to Structural Safety Limited to evaluate and consolidate the work of CROSS (Collaborative Reporting for Safer Structures) in delivery of an extended fully functional system of voluntary reporting for the receiving, processing, publication and dissemination of information and intelligence on structural and fire safety issues for industry and BSR to learn from that may include but not be limited to: 
•	Appropriate resource, for maintenance and continuation of CROSS Expert Panel for fire safety which works alongside the existing CROSS expert panel on structural safety.
•	Maintenance and continuing evaluation of the CROSS Website for full functionality and user experience
•	The continuing processing and publication of confidential fire and structural safety reports submitted via the CROSS website
•	The continuing communication and stakeholder engagement relating to the submitting and publication of confidential fire and structural safety reports
•	Understanding and learning from CROSS voluntary reporting system to aid BSR identify and develop procurement requirements for the voluntary reporting system required by the Building Safety Act 2022 (BSA)
•	Intelligence from CROSS safety reports and system to inform BSR developing its requirements for oversight of the safety of people in or about buildings as required by the Building Safety Act; identifying potential safety issues, promoting and instilling a more responsible culture across the building industry to people safety around buildings.



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