Public Sector British Council Tenders Tenders

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ITT has leverage the security requirements for total five British Council entities spread in India and Bangladesh are participating in the ITT BCD India, BCE India, BCMS India, BC Bangladesh & BCSBL Bangladesh There are two lots one each for India and Bangladesh. Lot 1 comprise of INDIA (BCD, BCE & BCMS) & Lot 2 comprise of BANGLADESH (BC & BCSBL) Contract will be awarded for 4 years with possibility of 1-year extension.

Published 6 days ago

ITT has leverage the security requirements for total five British Council entities spread in India and Bangladesh are participating in the ITT BCD India, BCE India, BCMS India, BC Bangladesh & BCSBL Bangladesh There are two lots one each for India and Bangladesh.Lot 1 comprise of INDIA (BCD, BCE & BCMS) & Lot 2 comprise of BANGLADESH (BC & BCSBL) Contract/s will be awarded for 4 years with possibility of 1-year extension.

Published 6 days ago

British Council is seeking a broker to provide global co-ordination and local services to facilitate the management of the healthcare insurances which the organisation provides for its locally contracted employees around the world. We are looking for a long-term relationship with a partner which is able to provide local brokerage services, led by global strategy setting, co-ordination, monitoring and reporting.

Published 2 weeks ago

British Council is seeking a broker to provide global co-ordination and local services to facilitate the management of the healthcare insurances which the organisation provides for its locally contracted employees around the world. We are looking for a long-term relationship with a partner which is able to provide local brokerage services, led by global strategy setting, co-ordination, monitoring and reporting.

Published 2 weeks ago

12 Instructions for Responding 12.1 The documents that must be submitted to form your tender response are listed at Part [2] (Submission Checklist) of Annex [3] (Supplier Response) to this ITT. All documents required as part of your tender response should be submitted to British Council's e-Tendering portal hosted at by the Response Deadline, as set out in the Timescales section of this ITT..

Published 1 month ago

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